4/8 – 8/19 | Thursdays 2 p.m.
Mountain View Eye Care and Cooper’s Hawk Presents:
Get some….Skin in the game!
Weekly Skins game | 2pm start every Thursday
Thursday April 8 thru August 19, ends week of the 4-ball(20 weeks)
Groups of 4, play with who you want.
$20/person/week – on the weeks you wanna play, just show up with $20-you’re in!
Pay in pro shop before play begins.
$1/hole skins -skins determined by two tie-all tie, holes carryover until there is a winner. If any skins that carryover after 18 go to whoever won first skin(wrap around). In the event no skins are out, all skin money goes to hole-in-one jackpot.
$2/week/player goes toward a hole in one progressive jackpot.
(Carryover to 2021 or a fall season if not won)
Season long Champion determined by total points. $1 won in skins = 1 point
A scoreboard will be placed on the deck so everyone can track the season long weekly skins game results!
Player with most points at end of season wins!
1st MVEC gift certificate $250
2nd Cooper’s Hawk TBD toward golf club or apparel
3rd Cooper’s Hawk TBD toward golf club or apparel
Open to members & guests
Tees? Will be determined by a committee of your peers based on a combination of age& ability. A list will be posted declaring which tee you will play. There is a 10 page form to fill out and file for Formal protests, processing takes 8-12 weeks. April 8- June 10 up a tee(blue for most of guys on this thread). June 17-August 18 back a set of tees(black for most guys on this thread) . Play will be Up a grip everywhere